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Happy New Year!

A new year is a fresh start and time for many new resolutions.

Although over 50% of the population vow to make behavior changes for the new year, only 8% make it to the finish line. It is time to think like the experts in order to change for better.

Successful change involves time, energy and your emotions. You have to be willing to fall, dust yourself off and get back on track. It is a commitment to staying the course, no matter how long it takes. You have to make adjustments in order to maintain you desire. Real change requires as much energy during the journey as it did to beginning.

Here are some tips for success:

  • Evaluate your commitment to change.
    • Consider your primary reason for change.
    • Research how to best accomplish your goal.
  • Identify potential barriers.
    • Organize your environment so the best choice is the easier choice.
    • Don't limit yourself. Believe you can do this.
  • Expect relapse.
    • Learn from your mistakes.
    • Evaluate your motivation. Make changes when necessary.

Consider joining in on The Monday Campaign initiative. The Monday Campaign encourages people to set 52 mini-resolutions every Monday during the year. (According to Dr. Lawrence Cheskin, director of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center,) "using Monday to reset your goals, celebrate progress and get back on track after a weekend slip-up can help people stay on track for the long haul." This online initiative provides healthy recipes, tips and resources to keep you on track all week long.

Check out www.mondaycampaigns.org for more information. This is Sheila Harrell with Church Health.




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