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Put it out!


The Great American Smoke Out is celebrated on the third Thursday in November.

This day is sponsored by the American Cancer Society to raise awareness about the benefits of quitting smoking. So, you feel you can quit anytime? Take the opportunity to kick the habit for 24 hours on Thursday, November 19th! Quit for the day, or quit for good!

Here are some facts to get you energized about quitting smoking:

  • Within 8 hours of quitting, the carbon monoxide levels in the body drop and the oxygen level in your blood increase to normal.
  • You will reduce the risk of your children suffering from asthma attacks, ear and lung infections.
  • Quitting smoking is the leading preventable cause of death.
  • By avoiding tobacco, you are less likely to develop at least 15 types of cancer.
  • When you quit smoking, you get your power back. You show yourself that no object deserves to have power over you.
  • By quitting, you reduce your risk for blood clotting, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

Are you ready?

  • When you make up your mind, you will find a way to quit.
  • Decide for sure that quitting is your goal. Make a promise that you will do it. If you have unsure feelings about quitting, don’t let those feelings get in your way.

Get a plan. Join the Commit to Quit class at Church Health Center.
This is Sheila Harrell with the Church Health Center.

If you have a question for Life Matters, send it to health@wkno.org