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Why Adopt an Organized Strategy for Wellness

Wellness in the workplace has evolved to include body, mind and spirit.

This inclusive approach addresses everything from financial freedom, work-life balance, physical wellness and spiritual health.  This multi-faceted approach may include areas, such as:

  • Financial health- offering budgeting classes, debt management or continuing education.
  • Emotional wellness- including stress management, or work-life balance initiatives.
  • Spiritual health- encouraging development of a sense of purpose in life.
  • Physical health- providing nutritional classes or fitness membership discounts.

"There are aspects of one’s self that, when tended to, eliminate stressors that may otherwise affect one’s ability to focus and contribute to his or her job," (according to Rose Stanley, Senior Practice Manager, World at Work.)  Employees who are encouraged to participate in programs that promote self care will be healthier, happier and more engaged in the workplace.
It takes time for an organization to develop a successful wellness program. Successful companies:

  • Feature the wellness program in recruiting efforts.
  • Regularly advertise the program features.
  • Draw on the support of managers and executives to support employee participation.

Not only can companies draw in key talent and reduce health care cost, but a valued employee will be more engaged and satisfied. 
This is Sheila Harrell with Church Health.

Rose Stanley, Senior Practice Leader, WorldatWork, editorial@mediaplanet.com


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